Sunday, April 29, 2012

[Hardware Router] Layer 3 Perspective

The following is a design specification of the hardware router, from a layer 3 perspective:

  • Receive Packet
    • Delimit data according to Ethernet Standard
    • Store delimited data in 2D Array (memory)
  • Analyze Packet
    • Extract relevant header information
    • Store information in temporary registers for ease of access\
  • Decide what to do with packet
    • Exception for own IP (must respond if valid packet)
    • If unrecognized information, drop packet.
      • Also drop if TTL = 0
    • Associate outbound port with packet by modifying bits directly in the queue
  • Modify Packet Data
    • Change destination IP to destination associated with chosen outbound port
    • Change source address to IP of outbound port
    • Subtract from TTL
    • Recalculate checksum and set it
      • Checksum is the 16-bit one's complement of the one's complement sum of all 16-bit words in the header.
      • Example checksum calculation, for IP Header: 4500003044224000800600008C7C19ACAE241E2B (20 byte header).
        •  4500+0030+4422+4000+8006+0000+8C7C+19AC+AE24+1E2B = 2BBCF
        • 2 + BBCF = BBD1 = 1011101111010001 -> 1's comp = 0100010000101110
        • Checksum = 442E
  • Send Packet
    • Write to outbound port using Ethernet protocol
    • Delete data for sent packet from memory and shift all other members of the array up (FIFO).
This is the top-level design. In order for it to work, we must first implement Ethernet protocol on the board.

Post describing Ethernet implementation will follow.

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